Today I would like to introduce you to the German one-man Atmospheric Black Metal Band Waldseel. Of course, with the consent of the musician, I can write about his band.
Founded in Lower Saxony in 2008, his career only began in 2012 with the demo "Dance of the fog under the firmament". On October 4, 2012, the EP "Herbsteinbruch" will follow, which consisted of exactly 20 copies.
It was a good 1 year before Waldseel returned with their demo "Dark Return". This also appeared as 20 copies of a limited edition.
2014 was the year of the split albums, which is why Waldseel was found again on "Nebelwelten - Sampler 1" in collaboration with Asken, Träumend ..., Saxnots Kund and Oxit. This split was released under the label Bandgemeinschaft Nebelwelten. The second split on which you found Waldseel was "Waldseel / Undead Corpse" as the name suggests, it was a collaboration with Undead Corpse. There were only 30 copies of this CD released on March 3rd.
Fortunately, there was a real upswing so that a cassette called "Waldseel" was released this year. On September 10 under the label Narbentage productions 50 copies of it came to light. Slightly earlier in 2014, to be exact, the album "Der Geister alter Zorn" came out in April. It only contained 100 copies.
You see, you have to be very agile to be able to own a collection from Waldseel.
Also in 2015 there was something in store for fans of Atmospheric Black Metal, especially when it comes to forest soul. If you want to be precise, an album, an EP and a split came out. But first to the album that got the name "Ritensang". It was published on April 3, 2015 in an edition of 200 copies under the label BMTC Records. In July followed the EP with the name "Herbstgesang und Wintergeist", which included 500 copies and found a home under the label Black Blood Records. If someone would like to read a review of the EP, please do so here -> Metal Archives <- but please note that the writer is not yet finished (57% are done). In October the split "Schattengeflecht" followed which was created with the bands Czarnobog and Fognight. 100 copies of this came to light under the Wolfmond Production label.
The year 2016 also promised a lot, 2 split's, 1 EP and a full length album. But let's start with the split's, which were called "Mystischer Hauch vergessener Welten" (67% complete review can be found here) and was released in collaboration with Shards of a Lost World under Wolfmond Production, while the second split was "Chäuernacht" (Live in Bern 08.10.2016)"changed in a live performance with Chotzä. Chotzä contributed 7 songs while Waldseel contributed 8 songs. The Live Split came out with only 66 copies under Schwarz Klang Productions. The splits came out on January 24th and December 4th.

May 2015 also had a lot going for it, because on the 23 of the month the cassette (EP) "Das Lauern im Schnee" was released in a limited edition with only 100 copies. Of course again under Schwarz Klang Produktion. October also left no one cold because on the 21st of the month the full length album "Cultus Falsitatis" was released, which had 200 copies and was released under Wolfmond Production.
In 2017 we were honored again with the EP and the display of 100 copies that only appeared at the end of the year in December. "Schleier unentdeckter Pforten" was the name of this EP and came out as an Independent production. Even in 2019 we didn't have to wait for a release from Waldseel because in June the cassette "Visions of a Destructive Revelation" was released with 66 copies under Scar Days productions.
Also in this year 2020 Waldseel does not disappoint us because we find him on the split that appeared on January 24th, in cooperation with Szivilizs. This split was produced in limited edition (66 copies) with Narbentage Produktion.
To my own conclusion, you can say that Waldseel cannot be compared to anyone. His music is just inspiring. And which Black Metal Fan doesn't sing about nature?
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