[Introduction] Aabode (France)

Disclaimer: The band/solo artist knows about my blog. I do have permission to write about them and to use their/his picture. All links are placed, as well as the representative videos on YouTube.

Band Image rights are going to the Band itself - Aabode

Official merchandise & Label 

First of all as Always thank you to Aabode for giving me the Permission to write this Introduction.

As the Readers of this Blog most know by now, I'am often on Spotify and switch through so many Artists. And in this Sence i found also Aabode!
Many groups that I know have achieved a certain status, but there are also some really great underground bands that deserve recognition. Personally, I am more of a symphonic, speed, or power metal listener, but sometimes I also explore other genres or sub-genres.

Line-Up is as Such:
Aabstracter (Guitars, Bass, Drums) (2023-present)
Aabyssal (Vocals, Electronics) (2023-present)

If I may take the duo's Bandcamp note, it is as follows~
Mechanized Hyper Death Metal – Nancy, Fr


Painting a new world filled with automated artillery, glitched cadavers, analog horror and dissonant riffs.
In a computer-generated never-ending warfare, no one questions anyone.

Some files are found, some writings are decoded, some memories buried.

Lore of the lost civilizations makes no sense.

In September 2023, the 15th to be exact, the duo saw the light of the music world with their EP Moist. And with it they stormed straight into the hearts of their fans.
1. Aabluvion (04:35)
2. Claam (05:00)
3. Gyre (05:03)
4. Saaumaatre (03:12)
Full Playtime: 17:50

Of course we couldn’t resist asking our questions! Max answered everyone of them in the most honest way imaginable.
Ceyla"Is there any band that inspires you the most? Or, if there isn’t such a band, where do you draw your inspiration from? If neither applies, how did you come up with these two sub-genres, if you can still call them that?
Max: "Well, I think the band that inspired us the most is Austral Experimental Death Metal band Portal. There's obviously a lot of other influences, in Industrial music, Death Metal or Electronic artists. That's the idea of somehow "mixing" all theses genres that brings us to our Sub Genre."

You can definitely hear the influences of the bands mentioned above in the songs, but the sound of the songs is still very unique. Unique enough to let your imagination run wild.  Even if that's hard to imagine with some music genres.

In many ways, and also because of the themes of Depths and Weird, you quickly find yourself in your own or even different world.

On December 6, 2024, the duo honored us once again. This time with an album called Neo​-​Age and lasting a full 38:32.
1. Coral (07:59)
2. Perpetual (03:58)  
3. Ayre (05:25)
4. De-Vore (04:16)
5. Neo-Age (07:08)  
6. 2047 YOD (04:49)  
7. Rem(a)inder (04:57)

Of course, there was also the question of the festivals.
Ceyla: "Are there any festivals or events in Germany, or even worldwide, that you would like to attend? Some of them always offer opportunities to apply.

Everyone has different ideas about which events they might be suitable for, so we are always curious to see what the answer will be.

Max: "Regarding Germany, I would say Party San Open Air, or Chaos Descends. In other countries, my preference is going to Killtown Death Fest in Copenhagen / London. If we were touring, I think it would to tour with some Avant-garde Bands, maybe bands like Imperial Triumphant."

As many of You know, i do love to recommend to different Festivals, like Dong Open AirFull ForceRock HarzSummer BreezeTurock Open Air , Party San Open AirFrostfeuernächteDark Troll Festival and many many more. The only thing we could try would be to write to Graspop or, as always, share the Summer Breeze page.

We can only recommend listening to the duo if you are looking for a new genre or even a new style of music.

Of course, we always give artists and musicians the option to leave a message for the readers. These messages are always very heartwarming, even if you shouldn't mention them in metal. And yet, they are all absolutely lovely people.
Ceyla: "Is there anything you would like the readers of this blog to know about you and your music?"
Max: "Thank you for your interest, please feel free to check our music : https://aabode.bandcamp.com !

All named artists, as well as festivals and the entire discography, are linked throughout the article!



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