Disclaimer: The Band/Solist knows about my Blog. I do have permission to wirte about him and to use their/his Picture. All Links are placed and as well the representative Videos on YouTube.
First of all as Always thank you to A Constant Storm for giving me the Permission.
As far as I know is there only Person who does it all:
Daniel Laureano (All Instruments)
As the Readers of this Blog most know by now, I'am often on Spotify and switch through so many Artists. And in this Sence i found also A Constant Storm!
I'am more on the Symphonic Side of the Metal Genre so no one can reckon that I would also like Melodic Death/Black Metal, Gothic Metal/Rock. It is sometimes suprising to me as Well.
But since the Lyrical Themes (Inner Conflict / Philosophy & Society) of His Songs does speak to many People i had to ask if i could write about him. Thankfully he said yes!
With his first Demo Storm Born he unleashed his creativity as Digital Release on his Bandcamp in 2014.
1. Embrace (02:36)
2. The Clouds Turn Black (04:58)
3. The Grounds are Shattered (05:08)
4. From The Eye Of The Storm (10:31)
As always we could ask our beloved Questions "Is there any Band that Inspires you the Most? Or if there is no such Band where do you get the Inspiration?" and in many Ways I'm really impressed of his Answer about the Question "There are really lots of them, but there's a triumvirate of artists that have been ever-present during my musical career: Dead Can Dance, Ulver and Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows. I draw influence from elements of each one of these artists in drastically different ways."
That is one Way to describe his Music, it is a mash of all this Artists but in his completly own Way of doing and Composing his Songs.
In 2016 he released his first full-length album, which was called Storm Alive. Of course, the release platform here was the well-known Bandcamp.
1. Labyrinth (03:59)
2. Nexus (06:08)
3. Crushing Skies (04:57)
4. Pale March (05:25)
5. Flow of Time (04:20)
6. Storm Alive (07:26)
7. Wasteland (03:25)
The total running time is 35:40.
I did ask Myself if i should ask this to every Artist since not Everybody has the desire to be on Festivals or Events but nonetheless i ask it "Are in Germany or more so in the World any Festivals or Events that you would like to attend? Some of them are always giving Chances to Apply to." Of course we get an honest answer back, because even we had asked ourselves that it would be difficult as a solo artist, not challenging but feasible "Well ACS has never played live before - apart from a couple of special acoustic shows, of course - but never as a full band, so the angle of applying to festivals is not one that's really on my sights. Regarding going to festivals as a fan, I'm afraid I'm also not the best person to talk about it, as I tend to prefer watching artists or bands play indoor venue shows under their own name, as I feel that provides them with a much more customizable and controlled environment to let them do whatever they want. So, if I'm allowed to alter the question to reflect this, regarding venues, I'd like to visit "Docks" in Hamburg, as I haven't had the chance to watch a show there yet." So you could say there is a place where he would like to perform. And maybe that can be done. Everyone can help with something like this and find out if artists who have been newly discovered or who you think deserve a chance are possible.
Not that you think he only releases Albums, no no, there are also many Singles out like Love Crimes, Hollow Days (My Probation) and Pyramid at Sunset as well as Pinnnboard.
Some EPs have also found their way onto his Bandcamp or Spotify such as Pinnnboard: The Lava Extras, Live in Isolation, The Vanity of Sirens, Pantheon I and last but not least Soldier's Lament: ANT Reprise.
There is also a live album called Live at Greenhouse as well as a compilation called ANT: The Tale of Soldier.
I know that's a bit much to take in at once, but it's a good way to browse through the artist's discography and maybe you'll find something that speaks to you, which I really hope because he's definitely talented.
His latest album, released in September 2022, is called ANT.
1. Ant (including March of the Soldiers) (05:23)
2. The Colony (03:33)
3. Chimeric Endeavor (04:37)
4. Vanity (04:58)
5. Cage of Tunnels (03:00)
6. In the Frozen Vale (04:12)
7. Truthbending (04:00)
8. A Collection of Endings and Origins (06:39)
The total running time is 36:22.
We couldn't help but ask the last question to our readers "Is there anything that you would like the Readers of this Blog to know about you and your Music?" And with this he sends you a little challenge which had us smiling "ACS's motto is "the wilder the better". This means that there are no rules nor expectations to what may come next. I try to make my music fluid and as genre bending as possible, consciously rejecting the concept of making the same type of music over and over again. I make music for ambitious fans, who like to be challenged and have their own predictions subverted... If that sounds like you, by all means, you're welcome to step into the tempest."
With this, we had another Honor to write about a Awesome Artists and we hope to fascinate so much more People to look into his Music. 🎵🤘🏻
All Named Artists as well as his whole Discography are linked throught the Article!
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